Auction Hunters: G.I. HAFF

Auction Hunters: Season 2, Episode 26: “Reel Money.” Haff-Ton team drove to San Diego, California, for a container auction. Allen called it storage container heaven. Duo expected to find anything from brand new clothes to foreign auto parts. Fact: The Port of San Diego imports up to 500,000 new vehicles every year. Big time auctions…

Auction Hunters: Allen Punches Dummy

Auction Hunters: Season 2, Episode 25: “Early Bird Special.” Haff-Ton team drove to Stanton, California very early in the morning. Ton fell asleep in the truck. Rise and Shine! Auction time! Fact: Some mammals like lions and koalas sleep over 20 hours a day. Bright side? There were doughnuts and coffee at the auction. Um,…

Auction Hunters: Jaws of Life

Auction Hunters: Season 2, Episode 24: “Great American Cashtime.” Haff-Ton team drove to San Diego, California. Tourism – HUGE! Duo prepared to find just about anything in the storage units. Fact: In 1592, San Diego was the first site visited by Europeans in what is now California. One of the bidders was none other than…

Auction Hunters: Ton Chain Saw Massacre

Auction Hunters: Season 2, Episode 23: “Auction Hunters, Ink.” Haff-Ton team drove back to Los Angeles, California. Home sweet home. They were glad to be back. Duo attended an auction at a high-end facility; state of the art with climate control and solid security. It attracted businesses and wealthy individuals alike. Fact: Cadillac coined the…

Auction Hunters: The Color of Money

Auction Hunters: Season 2, Episode 22: “Hot Wheels.” Haff-Ton drove to “The Jewel of the Hot Desert.” That would be Palm Springs, California. The town of wealth and leisure. Duo expected to find treasure hidden in storage units. Fact: Private golf courses in Palm Springs have membership fees as high as $250,000. The weather was…