Auction Hunters: Be My Gnome

Auction Hunters: Season 3, Episode 5: “Big Easy Money.” Haff-Ton team drove to New Orleans, Louisiana; city rich in history, music, food, and culture. Fact: New Orleans has a population of over 1.3 million residents. Dixieland thrived with possibilities. Fact: The New Orleans port has been one of the busiest in the U.S. for almost 300…

Auction Hunters: Playing Chicken

Auction Hunters: Season 2, Episode 3: “Sink or Swim.” The Haff-Ton team headed down to Torrance, California, a town that has a great beach and port, which often means sports equipment and expendable income. Fact: Torrance has a population of 147,405. Allen and Ton had made some good finds in Torrance before but not many…