Storage Wars: Auctioneers Hard at Work

Storage Wars auctioneers will auction off planes, trains, and automobiles! Not only do they conduct storage auctions; they also handle liquidations, commercial, estate sales, ranch auctions, and who knows… they might even have a bridge to sell you. You can find Dan & Laura Dotson from Storage Wars at American Auctioneers servicing California. Dan recently…

Storage Wars: Mouth Urinal

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 17: “Total Wine Domination.” Barry brought Adam, his accountant, who advised “The Collector” to get out of the auction business. Oy, vey! Earl, Johan Graham’s father, got lost on his way to Mission Viejo. Oy, vey! Mark Harris stated to Matt it was official,  today they would buy a locker….

Storage Wars: Did You Buy a (Bleep) Locker?

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 14: “That’s My Jerry!” I am sooo in the mood for pralines, you’ll see why. Auction held in Compton, California. Guest appearances by Herb Brown & Mike Karlinger, Ivy Calvin, and auctioneers Johan Graham & Earl. Absent Darrell Sheets and Brandon. Barry invited Kenny, who back in season 3 sold…

Storage Wars: Profit Donate

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 10: “The Shrining.” How can the Kings of Swag go “stealth mode” when they look like they just stepped out of Saks Fifth Avenue? Matt and Mark Harris’ strategy was to inconspicuously bid. It was sooo confusing to watch. Auction held in El Monte, California. Johan Graham and Earl were…

Storage Wars: Barry Flirts with Johan the New Auctioneer

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 8: “The Monster Hash.” New sheriff and her deputy rode into town. Not quite. Two new auctioneers however made their first appearances on Storage Wars. Johan Graham and her father, Earl. Combined,,they have 55 years as auctioneers. However, this was their first rodeo at a storage auction. Guest appearance made by…