Container Wars: Cardboard Hell

Container Wars: Season 1, Episode 4: “Secret Stash.” Once in a while during an auction there’s a mystery container. Temptation. Anticipation. Exhilaration. Israel trio scored the biggest… Before I get to their container; let’s see what happened for the other players. 1st Container: Port of Origin –  Panama City, Panama. Persian rugs, high-end antique furniture,…

Container Wars: Rubber Duck Spa

Container Wars:  Season 1, Episode 3: “Israel Angst.” In this episode, one player would rise as a big loser and one would rise as a big winner. Both were the same person. Off to Oakland, California shipyards for this auction. 1st Container: Port of Origin – Hanoi, Vietnam. Ooo! Ahh! Lots and lots of liquor….

Container Wars: Roach Motel

Container Wars: Season 1, Episode 1: “Booby Traps and Safes.” A common speculation generated that there’s one type of organic creature that can survive a nuclear war. Cockroaches. True or false? Who knows, but cockroaches can survive a very long sea voyage inside a container, that’s a fact! Which unlucky player bought a roach motel?…

Container Wars: Meet the Cast

Container Wars picks up on the popularity of similar shows like Storage Wars or Auction Hunters. Rather than focusing on storage units, however, the show examines a different type of auction – an international commercial shipping port. Participants are experts from different auction and resale fields. They must compete against each other to win the…