Storage Wars: Barry Flirts with Johan the New Auctioneer

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 8: “The Monster Hash.” New sheriff and her deputy rode into town. Not quite. Two new auctioneers however made their first appearances on Storage Wars. Johan Graham and her father, Earl. Combined,,they have 55 years as auctioneers. However, this was their first rodeo at a storage auction. Guest appearance made by…

Storage Wars: Barry & Jarrod Share Brandi

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 5: “A Time to Kiln.” The auction was held in San Jacinto, California. On the drive to the facility Jarrod revealed to Brandi that he’s already rented a space for their new store. Surprise! She was not happy. He envisioned the store filled with lots of good inventory. Brandi: All…

Storage Wars: Barry & The Asian Cowboy

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 6: “Like a Kung Pao Cowboy.” Barry brought a new sidekick to the storage auction. An Asian Cowboy. Don’t ask, just go with it. Guest appearance was made by the late Mark Bolelo. Auction was held in Montebello, California. Same storage facility in which Darrell scored $300,000 worth of paintings….

Storage Wars: Barry’s New Sidekick – Cousin Itt!

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 4: “The PA Stays in the Picture.” At any given storage auction one player may strike a huge payoff while others swing and miss. Then there are times when everyone loses. Auction was held in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Guest appearance was made by the late Mark Balelo. It’s a rainy…

Storage Wars: I Urn for You

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 3: “All’s Well that Urns Well.” Have you ever seen an urn? I haven’t. Neither have Jarrod or Brandi. They thought they had matching beer steins. My skin just crawled out of my body at the thought of drinking beer out of an urn. Yeach. Storage auction was held in…

Storage Wars: I’m Sober, Officer

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 2: “Breathalyze This.” Barry brought a partner. Jarrod was without his partner. Both were bad ideas. Auction was held in Huntington Beach. Brandi scouted for space for a new store. Jarrod left alone to bid without a limit. Pray, Brandi, pray. Barry brought Charles Kitch, who once appraised an antique…

Storage Wars: I’m no Dummy

Storage Wars: Season 4, Episode 1: “Auctioning for Dummies.” What may we expect in this new season of Storage Wars? Lack of brains. Lack of humility. Lack of “Yuuup” Mogul Dave Hester. Returning players were Darrell Sheets, Jarrod Schulz and Brandi Passante, Barry Weiss, and resident auctioneers Dan and Laura. Guest appearances by Nabila Hannis…

Storage Wars: Part 2 Of 100-Vault Auction

Storage Wars: Season 3, Episode 30: “Still Nobody’s Vault But Mine.” Second half of the 100-vault auction in Chatsworth, California with fifty vaults sold. Many hobbyist left but the regulars and two new players still present: Barry, Jarrod, Brandi, Darrell, Ivy, Herb and Mike, and the late Mark Balelo. Ivy stated it would take endurance,…

Storage Wars: The 100-Vault Auction

Storage Wars: Season 3, Episode 29: “Nobody’s Vault But Mine.” Oh, 100-vaults up for auction, take one down, pass it around, 99-vaults up for auction today. Expectations high. Maybe someone would find a lost Picasso sketch or painting. Or a carefully preserved 1800s chair or table. Or vintage jewelry from Tiffany. Uh, no. Most valued…

Storage Wars: Crazy Pants Contest

Storage Wars: Season 3, Episode 27: “The Big Boy vs the Heavyweight.” Auction took place for the first time in La Habra, California, about 30 miles outside of L.A. New bidder Ivy Calvin former Ultimate Fighter known now as the “King of Palmdale” took part. Darrell brought his money (check), his lucky charm gal Kimber…